A square peg can fit
only so much
into a round hole.
Badly. Awkwardly
and with a lot of
And would still
not fit perfectly.
Square pegs are
rarer than round holes.
They stick out and
Spoil the harmony.
Getting angry with the
square peg for being so
and not fitting into
round holes is no use.
The square peg can only try.
It can even pretend to be a
round peg.
But at one glance you would
know it is not.
Yes. You could search for
square holes for the
square pegs.
That is going to take awhile
and maybe
you would find
one that fits
or maybe never.
Most square pegs are
chopped away and
chipped away to
make them as
round pegs.
And then the square peg
is square no more.
- Srividya Srinivasan
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