Thursday, August 25, 2011

A song for a happy room ...

Hide some smiles here and there
to pull out on a rainy day...
Pack some hugs and cuddles away...
to use up on a cosy day...
Sprinkle your room
with laughter and giggles...
And fold those memories away...
The nasty ones at the bottom
and the nice ones at the top...
Shake out those sad thoughts...
And empty those tears away...
Keep your dancing shoes close at hand...
And turn on the music loud...
Now hug that pillow by your side
And lo, your room is done...

          - Srividya Srinivasan [26/8/2011]

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The biggest challenge
is to
be a
dispassionate observer
of the drama
of your life
where it is just
one person
in the play!